Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Dr. Tess Gerritsen
(d. 1953, San Diego, Kaliforniya), Çin asıllı, doktor, yazar. Stanford Üniversitesi'nde antropoloji konusunda lisans yaptı, Kaliforniya Üniversitesi’nden de tıp diploması aldı. Stajını Hawaii’de tamamladıktan sonra, doğum iznine ayrıldığı sırada ilk romanı Geceyarısından Sonra Gelen Telefon'u yazdı. Romantik gerilim olarak tanımlanan bu kitabı
"saudade is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent somethings or someones that one cares for and/or loves while simultaneously having positive emotions towards the future." "Saudade describes both happy and sad at the same time and is most closely translated to the English saying ‘bitter sweet’." or "desiderium" Saudade is similar but not equal to nostalgia, a word that also exists in Portuguese. In the book In Portugal of 1912, A. F. G. Bell writes: The famous saudade of the Portuguese is a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning towards the past or towards the future; not an active discontent or poignant sadness but an indolent dreaming wistfulness. Although it relates to feelings of melancholy and fond memories of things/people/days gone by, it can be a rush of sadness coupled with a paradoxical joy derived from acceptance of fate and the hope of recovering or substituting what is lost by something that will either fill in the void or provide consolation. There was an evolution from saudades (plural) to Saudade (singular, preferably written with a capital S), which became a philosophical concept. ... Saudade has an object; however, its object has become itself, for it means 'nostalgia for nostalgia', a meta-nostalgia, a longing oriented toward the longing itself. It is no more the Loved One or the 'Return' that is desired, based on a sense of loss and absence. Now, Desire desires Desire itself, as in the poetry of love for love's sake in Arabic en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudade
Eminem rap god
Look, I was gonna go easy on you and not to hurt your feelings But I'm only going to get this one chance Something's wrong, I can feel it (Six minutes, Slim Shady, you're on) Just a feeling I've got, like something's about to happen, but I don't know what If that means, what I think it means, we're in trouble, big trouble, And if he is as bananas
"Sana buraya bazı şeyler koyuyorum. Yol boyunca aklında olsun. lazım olursa açar okursun. Olmazsa da olsun, bir zararı yok, burada dursun." Birhan Keskin, fakir kene "Sabahları kitap mürekkebinin kokusunu içime çekmeyi severim."
Vay Be! Dedirten 10 Hızlıca Okunası Hikaye 1.Kimin parası daha değerli? Olay, henüz döviz kurlarının uygulanmadığı yıllarda ABD-Kanada sınırındaki bir şehirde geçmektedir: ABD ve Kanada malum ki para birimi olarak 'dolar' kullanmaktadırlar. Yalnız her iki ülke de kendi paralarının daha değerli olduğunu iddia etmektedirler. Şöyle ki
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