She is at odds with everything, she does not fit, an insult to her sex, a stubborn child in a woman’s form, her head bowed and arms wrapped tight around her drawing pad as if it were a door.
When I go don't cry for me In my father's arms I'll be
“The High Mariner says Pontus created our islands and the people on them. He scooped salt from the ocean tides for strength. Into that was mixed the cunning of a bull shark and the beauty of the moon jellyfish. He added the seahorse’s fidelity and the curiosity of a porpoise. When his creation was molded just so—two arms, two legs, a head, and a heart—Pontus breathed some of his own life into it, making the first People of the Salt. So when we die, we can’t be buried in the ground. We slip back into the water and are home.”
723 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
"Qılınc və Qələm"
Kitab iki cərayəyanda gedən döyüşdən bəhs edir : Elm və Hərb. Bir tərəfə Nizami Gəncəvi, Məhsəti Gəncəvi və digər ziyalı şəxslər elmlə döyüşüb haqsızlıqlara mübarizə apararkən, digər tərəfdə Fəxrəddin və onun silahdaşları silahla mübarizə aparırdı. Kitab Azərbaycanın tarixən ən böyük ərazisinə sahib olan Atabəylər dövlətinin dövründən yazılmış, bu dövrün ziyalıları xüsusiylə görkəmli Şair Nizami Gəncəvi haqqında da kitabda geniş məlumatlar verilmişdir. Oxumağı məsləhət görürəm. The book deals with two current battles: Science and War. On the one hand, Nizami Ganjavi, Mahsati Ganjavi and other intellectuals were fighting ignorance and injustice, while on the other hand, Fakhraddin and his comrades-in-arms were fighting with weapons. The book was written during the period of the Atabeylar state, which has the largest territory in the history of Azerbaijan, and the intellectuals of this period, especially the famous poet Nizami Ganjavi, are given extensive information in the book. I recommend reading. Kitap iki güncel savaşı ele alıyor: Bilim ve Savaş. Bir yandan Nizami Gencavi, Mahsati Gencavi ve diğer aydınlar cehalet ve adaletsizlikle savaşırken, diğer yandan Fahreddin ve silah arkadaşları silahlarla savaşıyordu. Kitap, Azerbaycan tarihinin en büyük topraklarına sahip olan Atabeylar devleti döneminde yazılmıştır ve bu dönemin aydınlarına, özellikle de ünlü şair Nizami Gencevi, kitapta geniş bilgiler verilmektedir. Okumanızı tavsiye ederim.
Qılınc və Qələm
Qılınc və QələmMəmməd Səid Ordubadi · Hədəf Nəşrləri Kitabevim · 2017201 okunma
"... as we wound and kill our enemy in the field and slaughter his women and children in their homes, our love for each other deepens. We become comrades in arms; our hatred of each other is being purged in the sufferings of our enemy."
Raffe holds me a second longer than necessary before he puts me down. And then it takes me a second longer than necessary to slide my arms away from his neck.
ah kalbimKitabı okudu
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