Ava's movements slow down and her eyes droop. As she goes heavy in my arms, a final tear leaves her eye as she stares at me. "I'd rather die than stay married to you." And then she goes still. I drop my forehead to hers and allow myself to mourn my wife one final time.
Eli & AvaKitabı okudu
This is an orchestration for an event. For a dance in fact. The participants will be apprised of their roles at the proper time. For now it is enough that they have arrived. As the dance is the thing with which we are concerned and contains complete within itself its own arrangement and history and finale there is no necessity that the dancers
Yiyip içme gecesi
Hiç otele gitmemiştim; ama annemle şehre indiğimiz zamanlar, otellerin insanı gündelik yaşamın pisliklerinden, kötülüklerinden koruyan çok özel yerler, kaleler olduğunu kestirecek kadar çok geçmiştim önlerinden. Remington Arms Oteli’nin önünde duran lacivert üniformalı adamlara bayılıyordum.Excelsior’un döner kapısındaki pirinç süslemelerin parıltısına bayılıyordum.Ritz’in lobisindeki büyük avizeye bayılıyordum. Bir otelin tek amacı, sizi rahat ettirmek, mutlu etmekti; defter imzalayıp odanıza çıktığınız zaman aklınıza geleni istemeniz yeterliydi, hemen ayağınıza gelirdi. Otel, daha iyi bir dünyanın simgesiydi; sadece bir mekan değil, size bir şans, düşlerinizin içinde yaşama fırsatı veren bir yer demekti.
Sayfa 112 - CanKitabı okuyor
Your interest is, the war should never cease; But we have felt enough to wish the peace: A land exhausted to the last remains, Depopulated towns, and driven plains. Yet, if desire of fame, and thirst of pow’r, A beauteous princess, with a crown in dow’r, So fire your mind, in arms assert your right, And meet your foe, who dares you to the fight.
Sayfa 357 - Collins ClassicsKitabı okudu
I do not stand before a woman, do I? No, I fall into her arms. I change shape to fit each one, to make things snug, as if matching their dreams is the only path I know into their hearts.
I did not say anything. I was always embarrassed by the words sacred, glorious, and sacrifice and the expression in vain. We had heard them, sometimes standing in the rain almost out of earshot, so that only the shouted words came through, and had read them, on proclamations that were slapped up by billposters over other proclamations, now for a long time, and I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that were glorious had no glory and the sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with the meat except to bury it. There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity.
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