She felt like such a fool, for trusting him, for loving him, for thinking any of those thousands of tiny moments they'd shared during her brief time in Vaisra's army meant that he really, truly cared for her, when in truth Nezha had been manipulating her just like his father had.
Sweet life...
Experience teaches that however numerous the brigade or army, the work of war is performed by small units, and each must possess to be effective one man like Lion who is unacquainted with fear, who arises cheerful each morning despite all hardship, ready to shoulder another’s load with a laugh and turn his hand to all tasks, however mean or humble. A unit lacking a man like Lion will never endure, while one with such a mate may be beaten but never broken. ¢---⋆Σ Deneyim, ne kadar çok tugay veya ordu olursa olsun, savaşın işinin küçük birimler tarafından gerçekleştirildiğini öğretir; ve her biri etkili olması için korkudan habersiz, her sabah tüm zorluklara rağmen neşeli bir şekilde uyanan, başka birinin yükünü gülümseyerek omuzlamaya ve tüm görevlere, ne kadar sıradan veya alçak olursa olsun, elini sürmeye hazır olan bir Aslan gibi bir adamı bulundurmalıdır. Bir Aslan gibi adamı olmayan bir birlik asla dayanamazken, böyle bir yoldaşa sahip olan bir birlik yenilebilir ancak asla kırılamaz.
the German army was becoming vastly more dangerous as it diminished in size. It is why Hitler’s first anti-Jewish genocidal report for military intelligence, in mid-September 1919, got him promoted, rather than fired or arrested.
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The anti-communist façade was meant to cause the British to miss the true purpose of Germany’s underground military preparations. All the Nazis had to do was convince Britain to make the same mistake twice. As General Denikin had recently showed during his slaughter of Jews in Ukraine, a massacre that was unwittingly funded by Britain, London’s hatred of Lenin meant backing virtually any army that promised to combat Russian communism.
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“The hardship of the exercises is intended less to strengthen the back than to toughen the mind. They say that any army may win while it still has its legs under it; the real test comes when all strength is fled and the men must produce victory on will alone.” ¢---⋆Σ “Egzersizlerin zorluğunun amacı sırtı güçlendirmekten ziyade zihni güçlendirmektir. Her ordunun ayakları hâlâ altındayken kazanabileceğini söylüyorlar; gerçek sınav, tüm gücün tükendiği ve erkeklerin yalnızca iradeyle zafer kazanmaları gerektiği zaman gelir.
Army unutmaz
"Suga'nın özellikle endişelenmek için sebepleri vardı.Bir trafik kazasından kaynaklanan omuz yaralanmasının etkilerine rağmen ilk çıkışına hazırlanıyordu."
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