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Hikaye Anlatıcılığının Bilimi
Hikaye Anlatıcılığının BilimiWill Storr
8.8/10 · 73 okunma
bütün bi sayfayı alıntılamak istemediğim için böyle paylaşıyorum. raporu yazarken buraya gelirim.
Cracking the Nazi Code
Cracking the Nazi Code

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@infestissvmam·Bir kitabı okumayı düşünüyor
Ulusal Sorun
Ulusal SorunRosa Luxemburg
9.6/10 · 18 okunma
As Sebastian Haffner wrote in his first-hand view, "In the spring of 1919 ... the Nazi revolution was already fully formed and potent. It lacked only Hitler."
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The hope that had made the deprivations of the war bearable, explained the journalist Sebastian Haffner (who experienced the events in Berlin at first hand), was the constant reassurance that Germany was about to win. The shocking revelation that Germany had lost was scarcely understandable. Haffner, who was eleven on the day the Armistice took effect, entered a deep depression. “Where could one find stability and security, faith and confidence, if world events could be so deceptive? If triumph upon triumph led to ultimate disaster, and the true rules of history were revealed only retrospectively in a shattering outcome? I stared into the abyss.” He wasn’t the only one. Adolf Hitler recounted a similar bewilderment at the news, but a more dramatic outcome, as he buried his “burning head in the sheets and pillows."
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The winter of 1916–17 was one of the worst in European history, and it wrecked the harvests. The impact was less severe for Britain and its allies because they were able to import food. But the hunger struck Germans with full force while the British blockaded their ports. It had been Britain’s strategy for centuries, as they didn’t need a large land army when they controlled the seas. Densely populated European countries could not produce enough calories at home, so they needed to import grain from abroad. That’s what made the British blockade so deadly effective. Their immense navy always won the hunger games against foreign armies because soldiers needed to eat.
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But soon handsome Fuchsl was stolen, or perhaps he chased another rat back across the front. Hitler’s beloved mother was dead. Artillery had buried his friends at Ypres. Then the disappearance of the English dog broke his heart. What did he have left? Virtually nothing, except he could make himself feel better by hating the Jews. Of course, we don’t know the precise moment Hitler decided to become an antisemite, but antisemitism, as the 20th century existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre wrote, was an easy way for an antisemite to feel better about himself without having done anything on his own. And as the 19th century Polish-German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, it was a sign of envy of a weaker culture for a stronger one. The origins of antisemitism are much older, but likely have origins like thes.
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ghost tekrar paylaştı.
Tıpkı "insan” yerine “insanoğlu" veya "ademoğlu" ifadesini duyunca irkilen feministlerde olduğu gibi, herkesin "Katolik çocuk" ya da "Müslüman çocuk" gibi ifadeleri duyduğunda irkilmesini isterim. Eğer isterseniz, "Katolik bir ailenin çocuğundan" bahsedebilirsiniz; ancak eğer herhangi birisinin "Katolik bir çocuk"tan bahsettiğini duyarsanız, onu durdurun ve kibarca çocukların bu gibi konularda nerede durulacağını bilemeyecek kadar küçük olduklarını belirtin; tıpkı ekonomik ya da siyasi konularda nerede duracaklarını bilmedikleri gibi. Amacım kesin olarak bilinci arttırmak olduğu için, bu konudan hem burada, yani önsözde, hem de 9. Bölümde bahsettiğim için özür dilemeyeceğim ve tekrar söyleyeceğim: O Müslüman bir çocuk değildir, ama Müslüman bir ailenin çocuğudur. Bu çocuk Müslüman olup olmadığını anlayamayacak kadar küçüktür. Müslüman çocuk diye bir şey yoktur. Hristiyan çocuk diye bir şey yoktur.
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ghost tekrar paylaştı.
“Bir yanılgıdan bir kişi acı çekiyorsa, buna delilik denir. Bir yanılgıdan birçok insan acı çektiğinde ise buna Din denir.”
Sayfa 17 - Robert M. Pirsig - Zen ve Motosiklet Bakımı Sanatı kitabının yazarı.Kitabı okuyor
işte bunu demeyecektin jason bey.
The conditions for the Ottoman minorities soon changed drastically during the war, when the empire committed genocide against its own Greeks and Armenians.
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