Arma kullanımına ilk başlayanlar, iki bin yıllık geleneğe sahip Venedik soyluları ve kurdukları Venedik Cumhuriyeti 'dir. Dolayısıyla, bir devletin kullanmış olduğu en eski arma da Venedik'e aittir.
Sayfa 56 - Destek yayınlarıKitabı okudu
Harry elleri titreyerek zarfı çevirince mor balmumundan bir mühür gördü; bir arma -koca bir “H” harfinin çevresinde bir aslan, bir kartal, bir porsuk, bir de yılan.
Sayfa 37 - Yapı Kredi YayınlarıKitabı okudu
for a few seconds they just stood there in stillness, his arms around her, his breath on her ear. most people go through their whole lives, marianne thought, without ever really feeling that close with anyone.
“Head down,” Jameson told me. He stepped up behind me and adjusted my grip, his arms wrapping around mine, guiding them from shoulder to fingertips. Even through my uniform blazer, I could feel the heat of his body. “Try again,” he murmured.
"There is a class that controls a country that is stupid and does not realize anything and never can. That is why we have this war.'
Sayfa 50 - New windmillsKitabı okudu
'There is nothing worse than war.' 'Defeat is worse'
Sayfa 49 - New windmillsKitabı okudu
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