Every fireman, sooner or later, hits this. They only need understanding, to know how the wheels run. Need to know the history of our profession. They don’t feed it to rookies like they used to. Damn shame. (...) Only fire chiefs remember it now. (...) I'll let you in on it. (...) When did it all start, you ask, this job of ours, how did it
Typical me. Paranoia, dread and too much overthinking all crammed into one tiny brain.
“Have you slain a lot of dragons?” Seth asked. The knight patted his sword. “That I have done. More than my share. I know my trade. But it is like sending a hydra to a headsman. For every dragon I kill, a new nest is born. We had the dragons in our power. We could have destroyed them. But no, no, no. Why end the threat forever when we can shelter them and give them eons to respawn? And as their numbers grew, those who once opposed them dwindled into obscurity, training no replacements. When the dragons get free this time, there will be no protectors. The world will reel. Crops will burn. Cities will fall. Humanity will scatter and quail as merciless monsters inherit the earth.” “You are depressed,” Seth said. “I am called the Somber Knight,” he said.
“…she says, Peter, as if the dead could be called back into new, stunned bones. The snow has started up again, whitening the path as though nothing happened. But to live like a bullet, to touch people with such intention. To be born going one way, toward everything alive. To walk into the world you never asked for and choose a place where your wanting ends—which part of war do we owe this knowledge? It’s warm in this house where we will die, you and I. Let the stanza be one room, then. Let it be big enough for everyone, even the ghosts rising now from this bread we tear open to see what we’ve made of each other. I know, we’ve been growing further apart, unhappy but half full. That clearing snow and baking bread will not fix this. I know, too, as I reach across the table to brush the leftover ice from your beard, that it’s already water. It’s nothing, you say, laughing for the first time in weeks. It’s really nothing. And I believe you. I shouldn’t, but I do.”
I know that a lot of people don’t understand why I love taking pictures of myself naked or in new dresses. But I think if they’d been photographed by other people thousands of times, prodded and posed for other people’s approval, they’d understand that I get a lot of joy from posing the way I feel sexy and taking my own picture, doing whatever I want with it. I was born into this world naked, and I honestly feel like the weight of the world has been on my shoulders. I wanted to see myself lighter and freer. As a baby, I had my whole life in front of me, and that’s how I feel now, like a blank slate. /// Pek çok insanın neden çıplak ya da yeni elbiselerle fotoğraf çekmeyi sevdiğimi anlamadığını biliyorum. Ama sanırım başkaları tarafından binlerce kez fotoğraflansa, dürtüklenip başkalarının onayına poz verseler, seksi hissettiğim şekilde poz vermekten, kendi fotoğrafımı çekmekten, ne olursa olsun yapmaktan ne kadar keyif aldığımı anlarlardı. Onunla istiyorum. Bu dünyaya çıplak doğdum ve açıkçası dünyanın yükünün omuzlarımda olduğunu hissediyorum. Kendimi daha hafif ve daha özgür görmek istedim. Bebekken tüm hayatım önümdeydi ve şimdi de böyle hissediyorum, boş bir sayfa gibi.
Everything about || m i n d s e t ||
Tahmin edileceği üzere varlıklı bir ailede dünyaya gelmedi. Maddi zorluklar yaşamalarına rağmen Chanel, bu fakirliği her zaman inkâr edecek ve zengin bir ailenin kızı olduğuna başkalarını ikna etmeye çalışacaktı gelecek yıllarda. As expected, she was not born into a wealthy family. Although they had financial difficulties, Chanel would always deny this poverty and try to convince others that she was the daughter of a wealthy family.
Sayfa 12 - Destek Yayınları 9. BaskıKitabı okudu
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