
remember to drink water babes
"You are my daughter, not of my blood, but of my heart.”
“Do you have a home now?” “Yes,” she said. “Home is where I don’t need my light to feel warm. It’s with you, your brothers, and your father.”
“If fate is a bunch of strings, then I’ll carry scissors,” I used to tell my tutors when they’d teach us about Emuri’en. “My choices are my own. I’ll make them as I please.”

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Pain doesn’t get easier, I reminded myself when I flinched. You just have to get stronger.
It’s not my place to tell the princes of Kiata what to do. Only the princess? Only the princess.
kikii yerim seniKitabı okudu
Fear is just a game, Shiori, I reminded myself. You win by playing.
“You just called me pretty.” A flush instantly colored his pointed ears. “I meant I thought you were pretty for a human,” Seryu grumbled. “You’d be a hideous dragon.”
“Find the light that makes your lantern shine,” she used to say. “Hold on to it, even when the dark surrounds you. Not even the strongest wind will blow out the flame.”
A smile spreads across my lips, even colder than the snow. You’re next, motherfucker.
I want to carve this moment into my mind—the way she’s looking at me, the feel of her fingers on my skin. If this is one of my last moments with her, I’m determined to remember every detail.
“You’re a psychotic bitch!” He spits it in my face, his voice as serrated as the knife. My mouth curves up in a smile. “Yes, I am.”
“Stop.” I say it even though I know he won’t. Men like him, they don’t stop. Not unless someone stops them.
çok doruKitabı okudu
He’s right: I don’t need any help. But in a second, he will.
There’s not even a hint of worry in Bash’s voice. We’re several stories up, alone in the dark, I lured him here under false pretenses, and it still hasn’t occurred to him to be the least bit concerned about my intentions. If anything, he seems amused by this whole thing. He doesn’t see me as any kind of threat.
“Please,” he says. “I’m begging you.” “You’re pathetic, Alex.”
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