"It’s your contact and experiences with other people that give your life joy, meaning, and purpose. Because of that, your relationships affect your life more than anything else."
Colborne watched me with curious closeness. “I think that’s all for now,” he said, after what felt like too long a pause. “I’m going to give you my contact information. If you think of anything else, please don’t hesitate to tell me.” “Of course,” I said. “I will.” But, of course, I wouldn’t. Not until ten years later.
Act 3, Scene 2Kitabı okuyor
Bu mezar taşını okumak için de üzerine yapışmış sedir yapraklarını temizlemesi gerekiyordu, bu harflerin de elinin altında belirişini izlerken yaprakların orada nasıl asılı kalabildiklerine, haşin ve amansız tehditten nasıl yanıp kül olmadıklarına şaştı: Judith Coldfield Sutpen. Ellen Coldfield'ın kızı. 3 Ekim 1841'de doğdu. Bu Dünyanın Eziyetine Meşakkatine 42 yıl 4 ay 9 Gün Katlandı ve en Nihayet 12 Şubat 1884'te Huzura Kavuştu. Dur ey Fani; Kibri, Budalalığı Hatırla ve Sakın. Quentin düşünüyordu. "Evet..." He had to brush the clinging cedar needles from this one also to read it; watching these letters also emerge beneath his hand, wondering quietly how they could have clunged there, not have been blistered to ashes at the instant of contact with the harsh and unforgiving threat: Judith Coldfield Sutpen. Daughter of Ellen Coldfield. Born October 3, 1841. Suffered the Indignities and Travails of this World for 42 Years, 4 Months, 9 Days, and went to Rest at Last February 12, 1884. Pause, Mortal; Remember Vanity and Folly and Beware. Thinking (Quentin). "Yes..."
Sayfa 210 - Random House
«Çevrimiçi Oxford Sözlüğü'ne göre günün kelimesi hikikomori: In Japan the abnormal avoidance of social contact. Japanese origin, literally "staying indoors, (social) withdrawal". *Japoncada sosyal temastan aşırı derecede kaçınmak. Japoncası tam olarak "içeride kalmak, (sosyal) çekilme" anlamına gelir. (e.n.)»
Sayfa 52
Before I left at dawn I drew the lines of her hand on a piece of paper and gave it to Diva Sahibi for a reading so I could know her soul. She said: A person who says only what she thinks. Perfect for manual labor. She's in contact with someone who has died and from whom she expects help, but she's mistaken: the help she's looking
"Çözüm: her eleştiriye beş iltifat"
Kadın beyni kendisini hayal kırık­lığından korumak için kötü senaryolar kurmaya eğilimlidir ve ardından da üzerinde fazla düşünmeden suçu erkek bey­nine atar. Sürekli eleştirinin beyne zararları vardır. Bir erkek partneri tarafından eleştirildiğinde beyni savunmaya geçer. RCZ'si erkeğe kendisinin eleştirildiği gibi olmadığını söyler ve erkek her türlü temastan kaçınmaya başlar. Bu durum aşa­ğıya doğru bir spiral gibi uzar ve sonunun bir çıkmaz sokak olduğu kesindir. Çiftin, iki tarafın da arzuladığı sevgi ve ilgi­den mahrum kalmasına sebep olur. The female brain tends to create bad scenarios to protect herself from disappointment, and then blames it on the male brain without giving it much thought. Constant criticism has harm to the brain. When a man is criticized by her partner, his brain becomes defensive. His RCZ tells the man that he is not what he is criticized for, and the man begins to avoid all contact. This situation extends like a downward spiral and is certain to end in a dead end. It causes the couple to be deprived of the love and attention that both parties desire.
Sayfa 154 - Say YayınlarıKitabı okudu
"What can I do?" he asks with a wretched expression. "What can I do to stop you from doing that again? I don't understand emotions, but you do, Bran. You do spectacularly well, and I'm asking, no, I'm begging you to tell me what I can do to make it better. Should I fuck off out of your life? Cut contact? Not visit Mum and Dad while you're there? Will my disappearance stop you from having that nonsensical inferiority complex?" "That's about the worst thing you can do, Lan. I need you by my side. I always have.”
None of that is responsible for my frequent feeling of nausea over the squalor of daily life. It’s the people who habitually surround me, the souls, who know me through conversation and the contact without knowing me at all
Little or no eye contact is not indicative of deception (Vrij, 2003, 38-39). This is rubbish for reasons discussed in the previous chapter. Keep in mind that predators and habitual liars actually engage in greater eye contact than most individuals, and will lock eyes with you. Research clearly shows that Machiavellian people (for example, psychopaths, conmen, and habitual liars) will actually increase eye contact during deception (Ekman, 1991, 141-142). Perhaps this increase in eye contact is consciously employed by such individuals because it is so commonly (but erroneously) believed that looking someone straight in the eye is a sign of truthfulness.
When people place their arms behind their backs, first they are saying, “I am of higher status.” Second, they are transmitting, “Please don’t come near me; I am not to be touched.” This behavior is often misunderstood as merely a pensive or thinking pose, but unless seen in someone studying a painting at a museum, for example, it is not. Putting the arms behind the back is a clear signal that means, “Don’t get close; I don’t want to make contact with you” (…).
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