516 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
First Principles is Herbert Spencer's huge prospectus to the rest of his work, the synthetic philosophy. Spencer divides truth into the Unknowable and Knowable. Whether god(s) exists or not, whether the universe is eternal or was created is unknowable. We can't conceive of self-creation, eternity, or nothingness. This makes the positions
First Principles
First PrinciplesHerbert Spencer · Sutton Press · 20081 okunma
194 syf.
Not rated
John Barth is the most important postmodernist novelist and his works of art fiction and reality somehow is complicated. It becomes difficult to decide which one is real and which one is fiction. Blurring and uncertainty is so immense that sometimes it is problematic to understand what is happening and what is going on this story. In the story we
Lost in the Funhouse
Lost in the FunhouseJohn Barth · Bantam Books · 196917 okunma