''To be brief, its Second Part, according to the translation, began in this way: With trenchant sword upraised and poised on high, it seemed as though the two valiant and wrathful combatants stood threatening heaven, and earth, and hell, with such resolution and determination did they bear themselves.''
"I know that this is the end now - am going to die, and I am ready."
Sayfa 55 - Pearson
Güçsüzlüğümüze ait bir yapıt olmadı, cehennemde bir Don Quixote'miz olmadı, korkum o ki hiçbir zaman da olmayacak. Çağlar genleştikce edebiyat inceliyor. Benzersiz'e gömülü cüceler olacağız.
''I do not know what it is called,'' replied Pedro, ''but I know that he knew all this and more besides.''
''Here one shepherd is sighing, there another is lamenting; there love songs are heard, here despairing elegies.''
''And as the business of war and all that relates and belongs to it cannot be conducted without exceeding great sweat, toil, and exertion, it follows that those who make it their profession have undoubtedly more labour than those who in tranquil peace and quite are engaged in praying to God to help the weak.''
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