Sonu bilinse de okunan kitaplar, izlenen diziler, yaşanan ömürler..
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Maybe it would be possible to create as many different stories for our lives in this world as there are people on earth. However, no matter who is in the leading role, it will not change whether he starts life as a drop of water or ends his life and is buried under the ground. So, same beginning, same ending, different stories.
Şefaatinden bizler eksik kalmayalım inşallah...
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Another name for the Day of Judgment is the Day of Deception (Yevmü't-Teğâbun, Teğâbun: 9). Today, people will realize that they were deceived. Those in the world who think that they are from the Ummah of Muhammad and who think that they will receive the intercession of Muhammad (pbuh) will realize on that day that they were deceived by their lives in this world. On that day, the situation of many unfortunate impostors who are thought to be followers of the path of Muhammad (pbuh) will be revealed and they will be expelled from Havzu Kevser. Therefore, we must check ourselves to avoid falling into such a situation. I wonder to what extent we are following in the footsteps of Muhammad (pbuh)? How much does our current life show that we are followers of the path of Muhammad (pbuh)? Do we have the courage to wait for the intercession of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in our current situation? We need to examine ourselves. If the answer we get is positive, that's fine; if it's negative, we need to pull ourselves together.
Sayfa 116Kitabı okudu
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Where am I? Where is this place? Why is it so dark and there is no light? Where is everybody? What are these boards? Who threw it at me? this land? What happened to me? It's very dark, very quiet here. Where is my family? My friends? Is there anyone?... The vast majority of people are similarly blown away in life, like a leaf. It connects to life so tightly that it becomes a Not only does he forget that he will die one day, he also does not make any significant preparations for the afterlife. However, life; earth with mother's womb It is like a flame of a match lit between two darknesses beneath it. It is only a matter of time before it catches fire and goes out. Maybe it may be possible to create as many different stories for our life in this world as there are people on earth. But in the leading role No matter who he is, whether he starts life as a drop of water or ends his life and is buried under the ground will not change. So, same beginning, same ending, different stories. So, what makes you different? What kind of story would you like to have and how would you like this story to end? Face yourself before you face death.
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Maybe it would be possible to create as many different stories for our lives in this world as there are people on earth. However, no matter who is in the leading role, it will not change whether he starts life as a drop of water or ends his life and is buried under the ground. In other words, the same beginning, the same end, different stories.
Sayfa 16 - İstanbulKitabı yarım bıraktı
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Maybe it would be possible to create as many different stories for our lives in this world as there are people on earth. However, no matter who is in the leading role, it will not change whether he starts life as a water droplet or ends his life and is buried under the ground. So, same beginning, same ending, different stories.
Ahireti dünyada yaşıyoruz bir bakıma. Ahiret hayatına ait semboller aslında bize oradan haber veriyor. Mizan mi işte amellerimiz, sırat mi işte yürüdüğümüz yol, yaşantımız mi işte cennet ve cehennem, kulluğumuz veya takvamiz mi işte Kevser havuzu, Allah dostlarının eteğine yapışmak mi işte liva-i hamd sancağı. İhlas yani Allah'ı görür gibi ibadet etmek mi işte ahretteki vuslat. Buradan bakarak oradaki halinizi görebilirsiniz tıpkı ahirete goctugumuzde oradan dünyadaki halimizin aslını göreceğimiz gibi.
Sayfa 279Kitabı okudu
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