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When I was young, my mom rounded up my family to take us somewhere to adopt a cat. We ended up falling in love with a pair of cats, a brother and sister that I named Kimi and Chuckie after the redheaded Rugrat and his adopted Parisian (??) sister. As we were adopting them, some rando saw what we were doing and, being the white man that he was,
binlerce kitapta, resimde ve belgede insan savaşa karşı mücadelesini vurguluyor. insanlık tarihi kadar eski olan bu ürkütücü konuya ancak peter weiss'ın iki cümlesini yansıtmakla değineceğim: “dünya savaşları, avrupa'nın öldürme kültüründen doğmuştur. kasım ayında zeytinler toplanır, insanları ayıran olgular karşısında birleştiren olgular giderek çoğalıyor. o halde neden savaş?”
demokrasi anladığımız haliyle devlet yönetiminde olası son ilerleme midir? insan haklarını tanıma ve organize etmek yönünde atılabilecek daha fazla adım yok mudur? devlet, bireyi daha yüce ve daha bağımsız bir güç olarak tanıyıp tüm gücünü ve yetkisini ondan aldığını kabul edip bireye ona göre davranana kadar asla özgür ve aydın bir devlet olamaz. herkese adil davranabilecek, bireye bir komşuya gösterdiği nezaketi gösterebilecek bir devlet hayal ederek kendimi avuturum. öyle bir devlet ki bu ondan kaçınan onun işlerine karışmayan ya da ona kucak açmayanların bile, onun duruşuyla bağdaşmadığını düşünmeyen, komşularına ve vatandaşlarına karşı olan tüm görevlerine yerine getiren bir devlettir. böylesine bir meyve veren, olgunlaşır olgunlaşmaz onların yere düşmesine katlanan bir devlet, daha kusursuz ve görkemli bir devlete önayak olacaktır ki bunu da hayal etmiş olsam da henüz hiçbir yerde görülmedi.

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Professionally Woke Insecure Boys
I am very vigilant about excluding these kinds of men from my life. One strategy for doing this is rolling my eyes. Men hate this very much and are constantly telling me to stop. It’s like that Margaret Atwood quote that men are afraid women will laugh at them, and women are afraid men will kill them: men hate when I roll my eyes at them, and I
"The preceding suggests that will power and hard work will take care of matters. Although I’ve tried to avoid it, that Ben Franklin moral has lurked in everything I’ve said. It’s partly sound: nothing will happen without the work. It’s misleading if it leads you to think that working hard is all it takes. Many sociologists work very hard but accomplish little. You must also take some chances, let others see your work, open yourself to criticism. That may be frightening, even painful, in the short run. But the long-range consequences of not getting your work done are much more painful."
It's alright to aim for the stars, but we ought to have a decent regard for what is humanly possible. If making a scientific or scholarly revolution singlehandedly is our chief goal, we are bound to fail. Better to pursue the goals of normal science: to do a piece of good work others can use, and thus increase knowledge and understanding. Since we can attain those things in our own research and writing, we don't set ourselves up for failure by aiming at the impossible.
Science and humanistic scholarship are, in fact as well as in theory, cumulative enterprises. None of us invent it all from scratch when we sit down to write. We depend on our predecessors. We couldn't do our work if we didn't use their methods, results, and ideas. Few people would be interested in our results if we didn't indicate some relationship between them and what others have said and done before us.
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… Suzuki ise Budizm'le ilgili açıklamalarında şöyle der: Alışageldiğimiz düşünceleri altüst eden karşıtlıkların temelinde içsel yaşantılarımızı normal konuşma diliyle anlatma zorluğu yatmaktadır. Çünkü içsel dünyamızda olanlar konuşma dilimizi aşan yaşantılardır.
The Bechdel Test is a criterion for judging films that was created by cartoonist Alison Bechdel in her comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For. It requires that a movie have at least two (named) women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The test is a quick, easy way to judge whether any group of movies (say: everything currently in theaters) is sexist. It’s such a simple metric, but it really snaps into view how many mainstream films (around 40 to 50 percent!) either don’t feature women or use women only as devices to further stories about men, to provide exposition or eye candy or cheap stakes (i.e., I’m doing this heist to get back my estranged hot wife, who had one line in the whole movie!!!). It’s not surprising that in real life men treat women as disposable, as less real, like their desires and preferences and consent matter less than a man’s, when films tell men that women are just props and that men are the protagonists. 
the difference between impact and outcome
but i like to point out that the stuart hall who died a little over a year ago urged us to distinguish between outcome and impact, differences between an outcome and impact. many people assume that because the encampments are gone and nothing tangible was produced that there was no outcome. but when we think about the impact of these imaginative and innovative actions. and these moment when people learned how to be together without the scouffoulding of the state. when they learned to solve the problems without coming to the impulse of calling the police. that should serve as a true inspriration for the work that we will do in the future to build these transnational solidarity.
justice is indivisible and injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - martin luther
sırça fanusun içinde ölü bir bebek gibi tıkanıp kalan insan için dünyanın kendisi kötü bir düştür.
yaptığımız seçimlerden çok azı zaten nadir duyduğumuz iç sesimiz sayesinde gerçekleştirilir. çoğu seçimlerimiz şartlanmalar sonucunda yapıldığından zaman zaman can sıkıntısı, durgunluk ve bür türlü giderilemeyen boşluk ve anlamsızlık duygusu yaşanabilir. viktor frankl bu durumu varoluş vakumu olarak adlandırmıştı. böyle durumdaki insan, kendine ve
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