"Do you remember how you used to sit by your window and listen to the rain with your eyes closed?” “Of course I do.” But how did he? “You always had a smile on your face when you did that, your mind miles away. Your mom used to get so frustrated with you when you walked out in the rain without an umbrella. You got sick every single time, but nothing could stop you.”
Olive TaylorKitabı okudu
I’d missed something. I’d missed what was happening between us. She wasn’t Dylan’s sister in my eyes any more. She was my little one, just like the very first day we’d met. And now she was my wife. Every time she looked into my eyes with her heart wide open, she was pulling me in deeper. As much as this whole thing had started as a charade, I didn’t know if I would be able to let her go when the time came.
Jason ThornKitabı okudu
With a soft smile on my face, I whispered, “Sweet dreams, wife.” It took a moment for that single word to hit me in the gut. It took another to feel how right it sounded.
Jason ThornKitabı okudu
What I saw in his eyes… Everything around us melted away. All the lights, Amelie, Alvin, every single person in the building melted away and it was just us. It was justmy Jason and me. Not the movie star, not Jason Thorn whom every woman was salivating for. Right at that moment, he was just mine. My dream boy. My childhood crush. My first love. My only love. And now my pretend husband.
Olive TaylorKitabı okudu
A shiver went through her body as she lifted a shaky hand to put on my cheek. Her voice was nothing more than a whisper when she answered me. “I’ve always seen just you, Jason.” Then my lips were on hers, and her lips were on mine. We kissed long enough to cover years. In front of everyone, her lips became mine and I took her breath for myself, because I needed it more than she did. I was aware of the whistles and all the applause, but I couldn’t hear, couldn’t feel anything beyond the woman in my arms. In my mind, it was just the two of us.
Jason ThornKitabı okudu
"Falling in love with you." “Right now? You’re falling in love with me right this minute? Sure.” Dipping his head down, he gently nipped at my lips. “No, you little smartass. I already fell—a little too hard if you ask me. Now it’s your turn.” “My turn for what?” “To say you love me so I can close my eyes and fall all the way.”
Olive TaylorKitabı okudu
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