"Nor time, nor death, shall ever part them more." Robert Blair
278 syf.
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231 günde okudu
7 ay sonunda İngiliz Edebiyatı dersi için işlediğimiz bu kitabı bitirdik. Bu dersi görmeden önce tabii ki okuduğum İngiliz edebiyatı eserleri olmuştu ama bu ders beni Shakespeare'in eserleriyle tanıştırdı ve minik bir kısmı da olsa İngiliz tarihini ve kültürünü tanıma fırsatı buldum. Hocamızın önerdiği yazarlar, şairler ve eserlerin hepsini okumasam da kendime bir liste oluşturabildim. Bu kitaba gelecek olursak bu kitap üzerinde çalışırken ders değil de genel kültür için okuyor gibi hissettim yani sıkılmadım. İngiliz edebiyatı için kendinize bir rehber arıyorsanız bu kitaba başvurabilirsiniz
English Literature: A Survey for Students
English Literature: A Survey for StudentsAnthony Burgess · Longman Publishing Group · 197420 okunma
English Literature
"Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.." - John Keats
10/10 puan verdi
I was born in Adana on july 4, 1977 I completed my primary and secondary education in Adana then I went to Trabzon for university degree and graduated from the international relations department there. I performed my military service as a second lieutenant in Istanbul. Later, I had a working life in different sectors and positions. After graduating from Istanbul Aydın University, English-Turkish Translation Department, I continued my master’s degree in English language and literature at the same university. I married my wife in 2022 and my only daughter, Umay, was born on December 4, 2023. I dedicate this book to my father, my late mother, my wife and my beautiful daughter. Dear readers, I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Being "The Other"
Being "The Other"Erol Aktar · İkinci Adam Yayınları · 20240 okunma
From the meanest creature one departs wiser, richer, more conscious of one's blessings.
Mistress Krave - 22 December 2022
I wish to spank the world and soon those intergalactic open minded beings that keep 'suspiciously' dropping into our oceans. Intergalactic spankings for all! I look forward to spanking each and every single one of you at the new esteemed dungeon. :)))
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