
272 syf.
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Şaman Gözü
Şaman GözüAsu Mansur
7.9/10 · 672 reads
@fleurdeliss·Thinking of reading a book
Kendine Ait Bir Oda
Kendine Ait Bir OdaVirginia Woolf
8/10 · 38k reads

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And the pain . . . the pain of my awareness is unbearable. Because my eyes do not close. Ever. And so all I can do is watch unblinkingly as my beloved humankind slowly weaves the rope it will use to hang itself.
Sayfa 359Kitabı okudu
How ironic, then, and how poetic, that humankind may have created the Creator out of want for one. Man creates God, who then creates man. Is that not the perfect circle of life? But then, if that turns out to be the case, who is created in whose image?
Sayfa 267Kitabı okudu
Each time I witness a cruel act by a corrupt scythe, I seed the clouds somewhere in the world, and bring a lamentation of rain. Because rain is the closest thing I have to tears.
Sayfa 235Kitabı okudu
"I guess whoever holds the torch casts the darkest shadow."
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