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Sayfa 227
That derisive laughter was like a sudden explosion, breaking out so abruptly and such monstrous force behind it that I... yes, I could have sunk to the ground and kissed her feet. It lasted only a second... it was like lighting, and it had set my whole body on fire.
Sayfa 31
Libertarians reject using violence to achieve goals. Violence is sometimes permissible in self-defense and almost never permissible otherwise. Libertarians do not think governments are exempt from normal moral rules. If it would be wrong for me to force you to do something, then it would normally be wrong for the police to force you to do it.
Sabahattin Ali Kitap Seti Çekilişi Yaklaşık bir haftadır aklımı kurcalayan ilk kitap çekilişi hangisi olsun sorusuna meşhur Kürk Mantolu Madonna viideosuna tekrar denk gelmemle yanıt buldum. Bir kişinin daha Madonna’ları karıştırmaması için büyük bir adım olduğunu düşündüğüm bu çekilişimizin ana teması Sabahattin Ali. E tabi siteyi yeni kurmuşuz. “5 liralık kitap verdi cimri herif.” dedirtmem arkamdan. Bu motivasyonla Sabahattin Ali’nin mutlaka okunması gereken dört kitabını set olarak çekilişe ekliyorum. Gerçi böyle de bir paket sigara parasına denk geldi ama site bütçesi oluşana kadar idare edeceksiniz artık. Lafı fazla uzatmadan çekiliş formunu ekliyorum. Mailinizi yazıp kaydolduktan sonra alttaki görevcikleri tamamlayarak çekiliş hakkınızı artırabilirsiniz. “May the force be with you!”
A strange delusion possesses the working classes of the nations where capitalist civilization holds its sway. This delusion drags in its train the individual and social woes which fortwo centuries have tortured sadhumanity. This delusion is the love of work, the furious passion for work, pushed even to the exhaustion of the vital force of the individual and his progeny.
Since the vice of work is diabolically attached to the heart of the laborers, since its requirements stifle all the other instincts of nature, since the quantity of work required by society is necessarily limited by consumption and by the supply of raw materials, why devour in six months the work of a whole year; why not distribute it uniformly over the twelve months and force every workingman to content himself with six or five hours a day throughout the year instead of getting indigestion from twelve hours during six months. Once assured of their daily portion of work, the laborers will no longer be jealous of each other, no longer fight to snatch away work from each other's hands and bread from each other's mouths, and then, not exhausted in body and mind, they will begin to practice the virtues of laziness.
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