Kitaptaki Güzel Alıntılar ZENGİNLİĞİNİZ DOSTLARINIZ OLSUN. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Gönüllüler olmaksızın kurbanlar da olmaz. Bilge kişilerin aklı ve yılların deneyimi atıflarda ebedileşir. BENJAMIN DISRAELI Başkalarının yanlışlarından öğrenmeliyiz. Hepsini kendimiz yapacak kadar çok zamanımız yok. GROUCHO MARX
"Trajedi o ki" diyordu Frederick Ni­etzsche, "din ve metafiziğin dogmalarına inanamayız" fakat "kurtuluş ve avuntunun bu en üstün aracına ihtiyaç duymayı" sürdürürüz.
"varoluştan artık acı çekmeme'nin acısını çekmek olarak çekilen bir acı, ancak iki biçimde giderilebilir : ya, çabuk bir ölümle; ya da, uzun bir sevgiyle.." (frederick nietzsche)
Sayfa 103 - metis
The most famous pessimist in the age of Weltschmerz was neither Schopenhauer nor Nietzsche but someone who has nearly passed into oblivion: Eduard von Hartmann (1842-1906).
The will to live is most apparent in the sex drive; and in acting on that drive, we perpetuate suffering by creating another human being. Only through chastity, then, do we break the cycle of desire and end the suffering of mankind. But Mainlander’s emphasis on chastity is sometimes extreme; he went beyond the demand for chastity and called for nothing less than virginity, which was for him the only certain sign of self-denial (219). There is, of course, a great difference between chastity and virginity: a chaste person has learned to control his or her sex drives, though he or she has perhaps indulged in them; a virgin, however, has never acted on his or her sex drives. Mainlander insists on nothing less than virginity because—in a world of uncertain birth control—this alone ensures that life does not perpetuate itself. The demand for virginity caught the notice of Nietzsche, who dismissed Mainlander as the “sentimental apostle of virginity”.
mainlander, ethics, sex drive, chastity, virginity, nietzscheKitabı okudu
In the course of explaining Christian doctrine, Mainländer introduces a very modern and redolent theme: the death of God. He popularized the theme before Nietzsche, though he gives it a much more metaphysical meaning.
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