
332 syf.
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Read in 7 hours
Catching Train on Platform Nine and Three Quarters
First book of this year. Harry Potter huh..book is famous and it was speechless experience to read. It was beautiful fantasy word. I never imagined that i will complete reading this book in just few days. well i read in short time for a first time. Author Jk Rowling had very well written . Her imaginary world was great to visit once where you will find new type of character and you will love some of them. While reading character's are very easy to imagine and you may start opening the door by saying Alohomora...From Harry getting entry on flying motorcycle to Harry himself flying on nimbus broom..well it was great thing to imagine. My words may be less to expain you the fun of imaginary harry potter world, I think you should try yourself, you will find yourself on the train of hogwart express..hahaha Overall it was great experience to read it. i would like to thank you my best friend Esraa @ALCESTE .. she recommends me this book and we read together , we watch movie together too... Thank you .. Teşekkür ederim
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneJ. K. Rowling (Robert Galbraith) · Bloomsbury · 201453.4k okunma
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