
340 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
17 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%75/100) Considering that Bodkin published in 1934, it is very impressive that you can still use it in many ways. I had to read this book because I plan to use it for my thesis and I admit that it is a difficult read, especially for a Master's student. Yet, I learned a lot of things and I am sure I'll quote many things from Bodkin as it is a good point of start in archetypal literary criticism. However, there were parts when Bodkin went on and on and I often felt lost as not all of the book will be useful to me. After many days, I am glad I am done with reading but I'll still come back and check certain things. Overall, it is a good source for people who study archetypes and even more useful if you are also interested in poetry.
Archetypal Patterns In Poetry
Archetypal Patterns In PoetryAmy Maud Bodkin · 19931 okunma
6 görüntüleme
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