
'Logos' is the everyday Greek term for a written or spoken word, but from Heraclitus onwards almost every Greek philosopher gave it one or more of several grander meanings. It is often rendered by translators as 'Reason'—whether to refer to the reasoning powers of human individuals, or to some more exalted cosmic principle of order and beauty. The term found its way into Christian theology when the author of the fourth gospel proclaimed, 'In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God’ (John 1: 1). A New History of Western Philosophy 1 & Ancient Philosophy - Anthony Kenny - Oxford University Press
.Z. okurunun profil resmi
Yani daha çok Stoacı bir kavram olarak kabul edilen Logos gelip Yuhanna İncil’inin başlangıcına yerleşiyor. Yuhanna, Yunan filozoflarına sizin Logos diye bahsettiğiniz şey İsa’nın ta kendisi, şimdi Logos bedenlendi aramızda diyor.
Schweinsteiger okurunun profil resmi
Bu anlamda öyle çok örnek var ki: ''Like the Milesians, Xenophanes propounded a cosmology. The basic element, he maintained, was not water nor air, but earth, and the earth reaches down below us to infinity. ‘All things are from earth and in earth all things end’ (D.K. 21 B27) calls to mind Christian burial services and the Ash Wednesday exhortation ‘remember, man, thou art but dust and unto dust thou shalt return'.
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