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Stephen hawking büyük sorulara kısa yanıtlar
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People have always wanted to find answers to the big questions: Is There a God? Where did we come from? How Did It All Start? Is There Any Intelligent Life Other Than Us in the Universe? Is Time Travel Possible? Will Artificial Intelligence Overcome Us? What is the meaning and design behind everything? Creation explanations of the past seem much less appropriate and reliable today. These explanations have been replaced by a variety of things we can only call superstitions, ranging from New Age to Star Trek. But real science can be much weirder and more satisfying than science fiction. Today, science has no answers to all these questions. This book, which is a compilation of the last writings Hawking wrote before his death, consists of the answers given to the big questions by one of the most important minds in history. With a foreword by Eddie Redmayne, who won an Oscar for his performance in The Theory of Everything, an introduction by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Kip Thorne, and an afterword by Hawking's daughter Lucy, Brief Answers to the Big Questions is the last message a genius left to the world.
Büyük Sorulara Kısa Yanıtlar
Büyük Sorulara Kısa YanıtlarStephen W. Hawking · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20182,100 okunma
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