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Nirvana and Om.
☆ Why i read - The name Siddharta means Gautam Buddha means Buddhism, as i believe in the teaching of Gautam Buddha so i decided to read this book. Buddham saranam gacchami - I take refuge in the Buddha. ☆ What i read - • This book speaks about the life of siddhartha and his best friend govinda, they were on the way to find the meaning and peace in their life, the path choosen by both was them was different. • Siddharta and govinda both decided to take learning from buddha, as for siddharta he choose the different because he don't believe in words, govinda continue to get learning from buddha and so there learning path become different. • In Siddharta life many people come and go and they were all good teacher - kamala whom he was obsessed later to become his life partner, kamaswami whom helped him to get rich in his life and later he get into fake rich world of sorrow and regret and vasudeva whom meet after he lost all things in his life as vasudeva taught his real meaning of all. • Sidhharta continues to get advantage and disadvantages from all this people he continues to learned from all this people, later he found that the only thing which help him to learn was just a flowing river or water. • River play an important role in Siddharta life as it was the most important teacher of his life and taught him how to handle grief, happiness and all his emotions in his life as river says - nothing is permanent in his life.. one thing goes.. new things born and so on life continues. • Books speak about the teaching of two persons- one (Govinda)believed in words of teaching, other(Siddharta) believe in action of nature and people, it is our call whom you want to choose. Thank you. Have a good learning. Stay Safe #peace
SiddharthaHermann Hesse · Qanun nəşriyyatı · 202038.2k okunma
The  Misanthrope okurunun profil resmi
I'm proud of you, Jai... :) Better always.. you will reach the goal 30/10 (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Jaivishal Mandal okurunun profil resmi
Thanks a ton for your support and feedback , this surely help me to achieve my goal. :)
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