
447 syf.
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SULTANIM BOOK REVIEW: I wanted to review this book on such a holy night because the book tells you about the person who can find the most spiritual peace. The name of the book “Humanity Longs for You, My Sultan” reminds you of what you are really waiting for. Since I always find quality sirah books more interesting and detailed, I read them without wanting to put them down. Reading with a certain group and seeing that the people in that group think the same thing as you speeds up the progress of the book for you. Although people always want to read things whose endings they are curious about, they also want to read books of Sirah even though they know the beginning and the end. Because when there is a detail he missed and he realizes it, his bond with the book increases. That's why, in my activity of reading a poem every month, this month I chose the book of our teacher Mr. Süleyman DAMA, whose writing I admire very much. I wish you all a healthy, happy Eid and happy holidays. Enjoyable reading....
İnsanlık Sana Hasret Sultanım
İnsanlık Sana Hasret SultanımSüleyman Dama · İq Kültür Sanat Yayınevi · 201745 okunma
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