
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
5/5 Stars (%92/100) Sees one of the chapters is named "Pride vs Wrath" Me: This does put a smile on my face. One of the best volumes so far. As a huge Escanor fan, I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the last 3 chapters. However, learning more about Elizabeth and Meliodas was definitely interesting. The highlight of this volume is, of course, the resurrection (kind of) of Meliodas as the Leader of the Ten Commandments. Who is the only man who can fight him? Duh, Escanor. I'm liking this new arc already. The fight was super cool as well and it is far from over.
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 28
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 28Nakaba Suzuki · 201811 okunma
77 görüntüleme
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