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I decided to put aside a book whose details I was overwhelmed by from the first pages, and read the book "Silently in the Çavla", written by Nezihe Meriç's memoirs, which I had previously enjoyed. I did very well. I recently read interviews with him. As we all know, the value of an author is not related to being read a lot. Nezihe is not widely read in Meriç, and she questions this herself from time to time. Since he works very meticulously and puts in a lot of effort, he rightly wants his heart to be appreciated more. Advertising never chooses to pursue promotion and, unfortunately, cannot go beyond appealing to a certain audience. Çavlan; It means a very flowing, big waterfall. First of all, the name he gave to his book is very nice. He used such words quite often in his other books. Alacaceren, Bozbulanık, Yandirma etc. Being extremely attentive to language is one of his most important characteristics. In his own words, he moved silently through the great flow. With enthusiasm, joy, sometimes pain and sadness. In his memoirs, he frequently talked about events that he was hurt but could not respond to. From writers, just from those who write. From friends, children, literature, writing, positive and negative times, hope, despair. While reading, one shares both one's joy and one's sorrow. I recommend everyone to read Nezihe Meriç.
Çavlanın İçinde Sessizce
Çavlanın İçinde SessizceNezihe Meriç · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 201933 okunma
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