
192 syf.
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How well do we know ourselves, but what about our loved ones? The answer to this question is "We don't know!" Actually. But we make big statements: I love you very much, I love you the most, I can't live without you, no one else can love you like this, you and I were created for each other... These claims go on and on. Man is an assertive animal. Here, it is told that after Sara, his first, last and greatest love and wife of 14 years, left him with a few lines of note two days before Christmas, Arno, the husband and the great lover, starts to get to know her, but not to really know her. Knowing Sara is an excuse, actually knowing yourself is wonderful. Especially the last letter was more wonderful. It was explained very well that unless a person knows himself, unless he knows himself with all his facts, you will never be able to understand the other person. For this reason, if someone should go, I think they should too. If the end result is to reach oneself and the truth of one's life, you can go now.
Artık Gidebilirsin
Artık GidebilirsinDaria Bignardi · Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi · 201423 okunma
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