
Turkic-Cossack Peoples and others
In August 1942, the Chief of the OKH, Colonel-General F. Halder signed instruction No. 8000/42 concerning "The use of local auxiliary forces in the East." In it, all volunteer formations were categorized by their political loyalty and battle-worthiness. It read: "Cossacks and peoples of the Turkish race, fighting against the Bolshevik enemy arm in arm with German soldiers, stand out as fullfledged brothers-in-arms. Here also are included: Turkish battalions, Cossack sub-units, Crimean Tatars..."
The exact origins of Cossacks remain unclear. In the modern view, Don Cossacks descend from Slavic people connected with Russian lands like the Povolzhye, the Dnieper, the Novgorod Republic, and the Principality of Ryazan.
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İçtihat ve Telakki Azası okurunun profil resmi
The word Cossack comes from Cuman, a historical Turkic language, Cosac which meant free man or adventurer. The word Kazakh has the same root. Although the first Cossacks had roots from the Khazars, they were a confederation of Slavic people with Turkic influence. For example, the hairstyle was also used by Nogays and its called Kekel in Nogay. Zaporozhian Cossacks were a mixture of Western and Eastern Slavs. However the Caucausian Cossacks are genetically different from other Cossacks (most of them are G) so they are thought to be assimilated Caucausians.
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