
- You see, for generations our people have been at war. At great and terrible cost. Over those generations it has become necessary to... Re-frame that conflict into one that's more... - Malleable? - ... to our goals. Progress, lad. Progress comes from a steady and dependable economy. And what drives an economy better than war? But the question then becomes: What drives that war? - Belief! - Blind faith that differs vitally from your neighbor's. Soon it will drive you to build a wall. Behind which you'll build any number of things that you believe your enemy is also building. - Competition! - Progress, a robust economy, a healthy working middle class. And if that middle class must be fed into that conflict, or a few... - ... one or two... - ... or more, star systems are turned under the boot of that progress... Well, that's just life. - And how better to give life context than faith?
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