
280 syf.
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It was a magnificent work centering on the natives of the Brazilian rainforest. Kanau, who belongs to the Inan tribe, is a hybrid. Her mother became pregnant with Kanau as a result of abuse by a white man. Because he is a hybrid, Kanau can never feel complete. He cannot see himself as a Native American. White people call him "white". does not accept it as such. Kanau knows that the only way to be considered part of the white world is through wealth. For this reason, he embarks on an adventure that will make him rich in the shortest possible way. Diamond robbery. A corrupt police lieutenant does something that will radically change his life and steals the diamond seized during an investigation. In order to sell the diamond safely, it needs an Indian who knows the virgin forests and rivers full of crocodiles like the back of his hand. From this point on, the lieutenant's and Kanau's paths merge. The journey turns into Kanau's expedition to find himself. It was very nice to read about the Indians, the children of nature, magic and legends, from Vasconcelos's writing. While reading the book, I was reminded a little of the movies Apocalypto and Blood Diamond. The descriptions of nature and the observations about the locals were magnificent. I would recommend it to everyone.
Kırmızı Papağan
Kırmızı PapağanJosé Mauro de Vasconcelos · Can Yayınları · 2021412 okunma
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