
88 syf.
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I think Notes on Chopin is a book that appeals to two types of readers. The first one is, of course, the musicians and those who belong to that school. Secondly, Chopin lovers, myself included. Of course, as a reader who does not understand musical terminology, the note sections in the book did not make any sense to me, but Gidé's explanation and interpretation of these sections prevented me from feeling unfamiliar. Of course, the book does not only consist of notes; Chopin's place in the world of music is explained, why he is a late person to be understood, and information is given about the subtleties of his art and the nature of his music. The author's command of the subject is astounding. He is both knowledgeable and active, which brings a Chopin-loving reader to a point where he says he is glad he read it. I would also like to point out that it is a biography focused on Chopin's music. Enjoyable reading...
Chopin Üzerine Notlar
Chopin Üzerine NotlarAndré Gide · Can Yayınları · 201199 okunma
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