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If you have read Novus, you will not be unfamiliar with this book. Mutatio is a research book written to provide a logical explanation for the extraterrestrial contact experiences in the Novus book. There are also plenty of quotes from the Plan of the Faithful and the Divine Order and the Universe. The book tries to find answers to the ancient questions of where we came from and where we are going through extraterrestrial contact experiences. I think those who are interested will read it with surprise and I end my sentences with a quote from Nietzsche: "Everything goes, everything comes back; The wheel of existence spins endlessly. Everything dies, everything blooms again, the year of existence lasts forever. Everything falls apart, everything comes together again; The same house of being establishes itself eternally. All objects separate, all objects become at peace again; The ring of existence remains tied to itself forever. Existence begins anew at every moment; The sphere called 'There' revolves around every 'Here'. The middle is everywhere. The path of eternity is crooked.”
MutatıoErhan Kolbaşı · Enstitü Yayınları · 202041 okunma
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