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I recommend several requisites for selecting a mentor. • Choose an individual significantly more successful than you are now - a person who has "been there, done that" and can shed the wisdom of vastly more experience on your present problems and situation. • Seek a senior person you genuinely like and respect. Those are two different requirements. We all know people we respect for their success, but don't like as individuals. A close camaraderie can only develop through personal amicability. • Your mentor should have achieved success in the same field ofendeavor as your own, although this is not mandatory. Often the lessons you learn from your mentor deal with human relationships, decision making and financial strategies which transcend specific industry problems. • You and your mentor should share common interests beyond the business milieu. (...) Mutual interest and pleasures provide a relaxed environment for you and your mentor to unwind and explore ideas. Minds often work most productively together when you allow them free run of a tennis game or other out-of-office activity.
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