
Asuman yorumladı.
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In the new world order, where coronavirus and its derivatives are used as catalysts, the control provided by the digital dictatorship of "technopoly" and "data-ism" are created by turning "virtual money" into a global reserve currency. religion "Every man is God," "Synthetic human", whose mind and biological structure can be hacked (manipulated) through his belief. He will gradually turn into a "hybrid human" and lose his generation and freedom. The people of the 21st century are on the path to becoming more enslaved than the two most famous slaves recorded in history: Spartacus and Bilal-i Habeshi... Economic slavery, mental captivity and biological control!
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Girişimcilik Durağı okurunun profil resmi
Maziyi yâd edip, olsun herşeye rağmen yinede güzel günlerde yaşadık leveline geçtik gibi 😊
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