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My soul wants to fly away When your Presence calls it so sweetly, My soul wants to take flight When you whisper, "Arise." A fish wants to dive from dry land into the ocean when it hears the roaring waves. A falcon wants to return from the forest to the King's wrist when it hears the drum beating "Return." A Sufi, shimmering with light, wants to dance like a sunbeam when darkness surrounds him. O God - you are the graceful and the beautiful, you are the highest love, you are the giver of life. What misery and hardship comes to those who turn away from you! O bird, fly back to you native land. You have broken free from your cage; Your wings are eager for flight. Fly from the brackish puddle towards the flowing waters of life! Leave the room where they put the dirty sandals and return to the royal seat of the soul! Be off! Be off! O soul, leave behind this world of separation and come with us to the world of union. How long will you play in this dusty world like child filling his skirt with worthless stones? Cast away the burdens of the earth and fly upward toward heaven! Put away your childish care and join the royal banquet. Behold the countless ways this body has entrapped you! Break its deadly hold. Rise up, lift your head clear of this delusion. Reach for the Holy Book with your right hand You are not like a child who doesn't know right from left. God said to the mind, "Return from where you came." He said to the hand of Death, "Grab hold of worldly men." He said to the soul, "Fly to the Unseen. Take all the treasure you can carry and cry no more." You ask, "Who is the King?" - Tell the world that you are the King! Your knowledge has brought the question, And your grace has given the answer.
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