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"If you love yourself, you will love others as much as yourself." I started reading upon the suggestion of a philosophy teacher friend of mine. I read it with pleasure in one night. Is loving an art? While searching for the answer to this question, the love of religion, mother and father is also explained beautifully. I couldn't understand some parts, especially about religion. When I asked myself, I think I identified another subject in which I am inadequate. Here's a note to me: Another book about religion and love will be read! While reading about mother's love; How I saw myself. So this is human nature. While I sometimes thought that I did not have a normal love, I was also happy to learn that only the maternal instinct creates unreserved, unconditional love. It should be one of every person's bedside books throughout their lives; Let's re-interpret all these unhealthy relationships we see, are in, and think of as love, so that we can be happier. I definitely recommend you to read this book, from which I learned very valuable information.
Sevme Sanatı
Sevme SanatıErich Fromm · Say Yayınları · 202218.8k okunma
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