
408 syf.
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I really admire the author's writing. But this book is really disappointing for me. I can't believe this book is by Colleen. First of all, there was no incident in the book. I think there was no love either. The book begins with one of our main characters, Sydney's boyfriend Hunter, cheating on her with her best friend Tori. In the first 3-4 chapters of the book, messages such as the fact that cheating is bad and people's sense of trust in others are broken are very rarely covered. When I started reading things like cheating is not a bad thing and the person who cheats is not guilty in the last 100-150 pages of the book, I got cancer. I bought the book a month ago for a price of 60 TL and I thought it was not worth the money and seemed like a waste of time.
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Belki Bir GünColleen Hoover · Epsilon Yayınevi · 2022317 okunma
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