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#yakupkadrikaraosmanoğlu My comment: It is a work that reminds us of the painful days our nation went through with small stories. We do not know our history, we do not read it, I wish we could at least learn a few things from novels, but it is difficult if we put the immoral and atrocities committed by Europe (Greeks), who criticize barbarian Turks, on top of each other, there would be no room on our planet. A rare book that must be read. work. Is it possible for someone who does not know his history to see the future? He cannot go further than an exploited body. Then he sighs behind the one who moves forward...
Milli Savaş Hikayeleri
Milli Savaş HikayeleriYakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu · İletişim Yayınları · 2018577 okunma
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