
Was Aristotle an environmentalist? During Aristotle’s time, 384–322 BC, the concept of having to protect the environment was still two millennia in the future. Global population estimates for that are 100 million or so. Imagine all the people living in Japan today (around 125 million) being spread out around every continent on earth. So few of us and still so dependent on nature. But in the sense that environmentalists are motivated by their love of nature, no one fits that description better than Aristotle. He was a genius beyond any modern calibration. He was a polymath — the rare human who is expert in multiple disciplines. He studied physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, philosophy, ethics, meteorology and geology. He was taught by Plato, who in turn had been taught by Socrates. (my mnemonic for this sequences of brilliant Greek philisophers is: SPA). He and his friends were inquisitive about every element of nature.
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