
Remember the #StopLine3 campaign? Just as climate protestors predicted, Enbridge Corporation’s Line 3 construction did permanent damage to the pristine waters of Anishinaabe territory in northern Minnesota. This report came out today (11/15/22) from Honor the Earth, the Indigenous group helped lead the tribal protests: “Prior to the construction of Line 3, scientists and water protectors warned of potential hydrological disturbances and ecological destruction. Now that the pipeline is running tar sands oil, the MN Department of Natural Resources has publicly acknowledged three places where Enbridge pierced aquifers, causing profound damage to surrounding wetlands and water bodies. Over the past year, Waadookawaad Amikwag (Those Who Help Beaver), an independent citizen science group powered entirely by volunteers and led by Indigenous values, has been diligently monitoring this damage. Contrary to the state’s limited assessment of harm, Waadookawaad Amikwag members can demonstrate permanent disturbance of surface and groundwaters at 45 sites across the headwaters of the Red River of the North, the Mississippi River, and the St. Louis River and Lake Superior Watersheds. State agencies have not stepped up to monitor this ecological fallout, and federal regulators have not taken action to hold responsible parties accountable and prevent further harm.” How do we combat climate change while our government still turns a blind eye to fossil fuel companies continuing to destroy our planet?
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