
Since the subject of the emotions and cancer has been introduced, let's pursue it further. Though it is not yet under intensive research by mainstream medicine, there have been many observations through the years that psychological and social factors may play a role in the cause and cure of cancer. One of these was reported by Kenneth Pelletier, a member of the faculty of the School of Medicine, University of California, at the time. He was interested in "miracle cancer cures" that had occurred in seven people in the San Francisco area and wondered if they had anything in common. He found, in fact, that all seven people became more outgoing, more community oriented, interested in things outside of themselves; they all tried to change their lives so that there was more time for pleasurable activities; all seven became religious, in different ways, but all looked to something bigger than themselves; each spent a period of time each day meditating, sitting quietly, and contemplating or praying; they all started a physical exercise program, and they all changed their diets to include less red meat and more vegetables. It certainly looks as though social and emotional factors played a role in these "miracle cures."
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