
314 syf.
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Read in 36 hours
I must say this was extraordinary and thrilling. I absolutely loved the book. Let's talk about it's topic a little bit. We have a main character named Lowen and she is a writer. As a result of a tragic accident, she meets a guy named jeremy. But they met again because of a meeting later. Jeremy offers her a job. Jeremy's wife is a famous writer but she cannot write anyting anymore due to some tragic events, and Jeremy wants Lowen to compelete her series. But the story is more than just a serie :) I wasn't expecting such drama and I was disturbed at the end of almost every chapter Verity wrote. She was such a good manipulator. And the ending was suspicious but I believe her. I think she didn't do it. This book deserves 8 I guess.
VerityColleen Hoover · Independently Published · 20184,936 okunma
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