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Maybe hopelessness is freedom.
Seems absurd that Estragon and Vladimir forget that it's not the first day they've been waiting for godot,they don't even remember the messenger already told them "tomorrow without a doubt", they don't seemingly realise they're living in a cycle but they continue to wait something that's not coming,hoping it will. Maybe they want to forget that this routine already happened because if they didn't forget they would remain hopeless. Is it so bad to be hopeless? Or is hope that makes us suffer? Waiting and waiting until your strengths break. Maybe hopelessness is freedom.
Godot'yu Beklerken
Godot'yu BeklerkenSamuel Beckett · Kabalcı Yayınevi · 20008,1bin okunma
91 görüntüleme
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Our hopes sometimes keep us in prison..
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