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Our work, in which we came together with a group of writers and literature lovers and collected our poems, essays and stories, was published. I'm reading the book right now. It's an honor to take part in a project that covers such broad horizons. Reading a work written by different writers and literary figures is like meeting not only a new writer but also a new life on each page; each page is a different world... I included my poems in the book. I recommend it..
Şükran Demirhan
Şükran Demirhan
Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında İz Bırakan Kalemler Edebiyat Antolojisi
Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında İz Bırakan Kalemler Edebiyat AntolojisiAyşe Erbulak · Gülnar Yayınları · 202315 okunma
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