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Maridrina and Ithicana, two enemy kingdoms, make a treaty to make peace. According to the treaty, Aren, the king of Ithicana, must marry one of the Maridrina princesses. Maridrina princesses are warrior spies raised with 15 years of brutal training. And their only goal is to destroy the Kingdom of Ithicana and seize the bridge that will bring prosperity to their country. Their father Silas will choose Marylyn, the most beautiful of the 12 princesses, and kill everyone who knows this plan, including his daughters. However, his rebellious daughter Lara takes on this task herself by poisoning all the girls. Thus, endless wars, facts that will shake her entire life, and a king who will have to protect her heart await Lara. It was so good to read this book in these days when I am not happy with fantasy.. I had been postponing the book for a long time, now that the second book was out, it was also fun to gird up our swords and go on this journey with @Cins_okur..♡ Lara was one of the characters that was enjoyable to read with her cunning and courage. Aren may be the most humble king I have ever read. Which king would hang his grandmother's laundry while being constantly exposed to his captain's ridicule... :D The book just had overly detailed locations and endless battles. I wish the author had not only explained it but also added a map because I even thought of going back to the beginning and drawing a map for myself. Although their romance was in a lower dose, the harmony between the two was very nice. I recommend it to anyone who loves the genre. · ⋆
Köprü Krallığı
Köprü KrallığıDanielle L. Jensen · Martı Yayınları · 2022988 okunma
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Rüya okurunun profil resmi
Ninesinin çamaşırlarını asan bir kral mi? Ben şimdiden sevdim onu😂 çok fantastik okumuyorum ama sen ve @Cins_okur sevdiyse ben de seve seve okurum 🥰
GuGi okurunun profil resmi
Nine de nineydi ama mum etti herkesi 😂 yaa canımsınn 💋💋
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Tugce D. okurunun profil resmi
Oooo 9 gelmiş👍😂
GuGi okurunun profil resmi
😂😂 bonkörüm
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deniz okurunun profil resmi
Mükemmel bir kitap bence. Burada kimsenin okuduğunu görmemiştim. Mutlu oldum incelemeyi görünce
Zeynep okurunun profil resmi
Fantastikten yana yüzünün gülmediği bu günler 😂😂 Benim de sıcaktan yüzüm gülmüyor ya 😁 Ellerine yüreğine sağlık 💞
GuGi okurunun profil resmi
😂😂 canımsınn ❤️ off sıcak benim de canıma okuyor çekilcek dert değil
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selem okurunun profil resmi
İkinci kitabı okumayı düşünüyordum ama çamaşır asma sahnesini kaçırdığım için ikinciyi okumadan önce birinciyi tekrardan okumam gerekecek galibawğelpwşwğwş
GuGi okurunun profil resmi
😂😂 hiç zahmet etme sayfasını söyleyeyim hemen 174de o sahne
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