
370 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Read in 5 days
I had been seeing this book a lot on the internet so I gave it a chance. I'll try to avoid trilogies because I don't want to read another book to know what's gonna happen next anymore.. I got excited reading it and I did not expect the twist at the and. Jude really surprised me.. But I thought there was gonna be more romance because people portrayed it like that. I felt the enemies part really strong though. I hope they move on to the lover part in the second book.
The Cruel Prince
The Cruel PrinceHolly Black · Brown Books for Young Readers · 20181,472 okunma
Elif okurunun profil resmi
Bu kitap benim en büyük hayal kırıklığım ztn ingilizce olduğu için okurken daha çok eziyet çekmiştim😫
merve okurunun profil resmi
hayal kırıklığı mı?? nedenn?
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