
520 syf.
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A mysterious stranger named Woland arrives in Soviet Moscow, claiming to be a black magic professor. He engages in casual conversation with two Soviet writers who turn out to be atheists. Following their interaction, strange events unfold: one writer dies in a tram accident, while the other is placed in a mental hospital. It's revealed that Woland is actually Satan, arriving in the corrupt Moscow of the 1930s. Within the same hospital, we meet the primary character, the Master. He's a Soviet author working on a novel about Jesus, but after facing harsh criticism, he burns his manuscript and ends up in the hospital. Margarita, his devoted lover, supports him and abandons her luxurious life to stand by him. When the Master vanishes, Margarita returns to her husband but secretly longs for him. Woland encounters Margarita and offers to reunite her with the Master if she assists with his Satanic plans. She agrees, becoming a witch in the process. After succeeding, she reunites with the Master, and they find refuge between heaven and hell. The story alternates between Margarita and the Master's experiences and chapters from the Master's novel about Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Pilate, the governor of Judaea, is conflicted about trying Jesus and develops an odd connection to him. Despite his reluctance, Pilate is compelled to execute Jesus, leading him to seek forgiveness afterward.
Usta ve Margarita
Usta ve MargaritaMihail Bulgakov · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20207.3k okunma
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