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Mozarttan Madonnaya
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"Don't forget the thing called popular..." In 1780, father Leopold Mozart warned his son Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with these words not to ignore large audiences. As a matter of fact, the etymological meaning of "popular" in music studies can be considered in two different contexts at a basic level. Popular, on the one hand, emphasizes quantitative density and multiplicity, and on the other hand, it is also used in the sense of belonging to the people. In our country, it appears in the social memory as music that reaches larger audiences. In this context, while a Rap musician positions himself as anti-popular, he is actually also a producer of popular music. While dealing with the conflict between the craze of entertainment culture that surrounds society and reveals the subconscious in the dance figures and the content of popular music, and the moral values ​​of society, it also examines the archaeological aspects of popular music in the process from the Viennese waltz to the eroticism of tango, from the Beatles to Rock'n'Roll and the breaking of taboos. This excavating book is a fun and worth reading resource.
Mozart'tan Madonna'ya
Mozart'tan Madonna'yaPeter Wicke · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 20065 okunma
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