
576 syf.
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Twisted Lies- Ana Huang I finally got rid of the series, and unfortunately, this book was a fiasco in my opinion. Did no one say, sister, what are you doing? The bottom of the cliché. It's so cliché that the author knows it too, and there are many times where Stella says, "I know it seems a bit cliché, but..." He ends up happily married with children. What I'm reading is the ridiculous drama of two parasites. I'm tired of your "you belong to me" nonsense. Since the beginning of the book, Christian has been saying that she is good to the girl but I am the bad guy. I said it in the first three books, let me repeat it again, their love does not transfer to me. I don't recommend the series, it's the 3rd book out of four. It wasn't bad, but if you've never started, I suggest you don't get involved. Let me also say that I read the last 100 pages in half an hour, because the book is completely empty. So no. You can read it quickly even if you don't want to Subject; Twisted Hate begins with Stella being unable to pay the rent after breaking up with her roommate, and then getting fired from her job. Actually, it's not much of a problem for her, but our Stella has an old nanny who she sees as her mother, who cared more about her than her mother when she was little. Now that he has Alzheimer's and no one, Stella must pay for his nursing home care. So how will he pay? Of course, as he becomes more popular on social media, we need a fake lover to make this happen. In this case, Christian, the owner of Harper Security Company and also the owner of Stella's house, steps in.
Çarpık Yalanlar
Çarpık YalanlarAna Huang · Martı Yayınları · 20231,285 okunma
4 plus 1
murphy okurunun profil resmi
Kitabı bitirir bitirmez direkt yazdın dime, taze nefret okudum da 🥰
Zeynep okurunun profil resmi
Evett, cidden tüm seriyi sevmek çok isterdim nefret değil de benlik değil bir süreden sonrada of be diyor insan bilemiyorum çok da seveni var aslında.. daha güzellerine🥹
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