
Henry bit his lip. He went to the window and looked out the corner of the shade. Then he turned around. He still had the pistol. 'Come here,' he said to Camilla. She looked at him in horror. So did Francis and I. He beckoned to her with his gun arm. 'Come here, he said. 'Quick.' I felt faint. What's he doing? I thought, bewildered. Camilla took a step away from him. Her gaze was terrified. No, Henry,' she said, 'don't. To my surprise, he smiled at her. 'You think I'd hurt you?' he said. 'Come here.' She went to him. He kissed her between the eyes, then whispered something - what, I've always wondered - in her ear. I've got a key, the innkeeper yelled, pounding away at the door. TIl use it.' The room was swimming. Idiot, I thought wildly, just try the knob. Henry kissed Camilla again. 'I love you,' he said. Then he said, out loud: 'Come in.' The door flew open. Henry raised the arm with the gun. He's going to shoot them, I thought, dazed; the innkeeper and his wife, behind him, thought the same thing, because they froze about three steps into the room - but then I heard Camilla scream, 'No, Henry!' and, too late, I realized what he was going to do. He put the pistol to his temple and fired, twice. Two flat cracks. They slammed his head to the left. It was the kick of the gun, I think, that triggered the second shot. His mouth fell open. A draft, created by the open door, sucked the curtains into the gap of the open window.
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